Searching Online For a Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you consider yourself someone who uses the internet to find things, you will like what is in this article. Sit back and read this article thoroughly and you will not only be able to find attorneys online, but many other things as well.

The first step is of course to do some focused thinking. Where do you want to find a bankruptcy attorney? If you live in Phoenix, you will probably want to find one there. So, think; " bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix ". If you live in New York, you will want to think;  " bankruptcy attorney in New York " . You have the picture on this first step. Narrow your search to local results and you will be done with this first step in the 5 steps to finding an attorney online.

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The second step is to actually use a few phrases and what will be called "markup". When you go to yahoo and type in  bankruptcy attorney  (without the quotation marks ), you will get what is called the " shotgun approach". You can do much better. When you perform your search, use quotation marks around the two words; "bankruptcy attorney" and you will focus your search by a margin you will be proud of.

The third step is to combine the first two steps. Again, let's say you live in Phoenix and are looking for a bankruptcy attorney. The best thing to do is to use those quotation marks again. You can laser focus your search using them like this; "bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix ". Use the quotation marks around all four words. You can switch this up a bit by doing it this way; "Phoenix bankruptcy attorney". You will be getting laser focused results either way.

We can do even better though. You can use what is called a "wildcard" in your search to find words that you will be interested in that will lead you to the page online you want to see. Here is an example that is built on our last few steps. Using the asterisk as the " wildcard " entry, we will type in ( with the quotes ) " * Phoenix bankruptcy attorney ". The asterisk will bring forth words like " I am ", or " top ", or even the actual name of the attorney. One that I found brought up the word " skilled " with this wildcard search. Look down through your search results as far as possible and see what you can find this way, as it is not only focused, but will give you more ideas about how to search effectively.

The last step is to use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Again, building on the last few steps, and using Firefox, we can highlight words in our search results that we are looking for. An example would be if you are looking for the word " experienced " to go along with the term; " bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix ". You would type into the search bar; " bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix " plus the word " experienced " in the search bar also. After the search results load, you will use the " find and highlight " function of Firefox to find and highlight the word " experienced " on the page you get. You do this by pressing the Ctrl and the F button at the same time, typing in the word you are searching for on the page, then immediately pressing the Ctrl and the Enter button. The word will be highlighted in yellow on the page. Now you do not have to go reading everything on the page just to find your word, it is surrounded by a bright yellow color.

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